Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just a few of the Things I Love About Sitka

     I love that the new local library has these views from it big      windows 

I love that the radio station---KCAW--- is community run--with many of the station's programs produced by local volunteers. I love that this NPR small radio station is so inclusive of everyone in the community--for instance--so far I have heard announcements on the radio in both Tagalog and Tlingit, as well as English.

I love that the harbors are humming with everyone getting ready to go commercial fishing, or coming and going...and I love looking at all the boats.

The longer I stay, the more I will find (or remember) I love about this friendly coastal Alaskan town, so this list is just a beginning....


  1. I look forward to your posts. It's an armchair adventure for me. Thanks Aurora. We must meet sometime. Rae Ellen.

  2. Looks like the sun is shining, that´s a nice way to start the season!

  3. yup-two days with sun Piper and today overcast and colder. Yes Rae Ellen lets meet up when I return this fall!

  4. thanks for the pictures, I can smell that boat harbor, a mixture of salt, engine oil, and kelp!

  5. Following your every Move...with delight!

  6. Great idea to have this blog, so we too will enjoy your adventures. :) (Gordana)

  7. hey thanks everyone!!! nice to know you are reading me :-)
